On this week’s Leaders in Sales Development blog series we have Jimmy Chen, Director of WW Sales Development at HackerOne and a Tenbound Alumni. Contact Jimmy at https://www.linkedin.com/in/jjmcsfca/
Tell us about your role at HackerOne?
At HackerOne, I serve as Director of WW Sales Development where I oversee everything related to SDRs in our organization! My role is primarily to serve as SDR and SDR Manager enablement: how do we help create a culture of operational excellence and get people to where they want to go?
How did your prior roles in Account Development and Business Development prepare you for your current role?
My last organization, Waggl, was a fantastic developmental opportunity where I came into an early-stage startup and had exposure to all of our ancillary functions. I saw where Sales Development sat in the organization and internalized the system it supports.
On a more personal level, I learned what it meant to be successful as an SDR and it’s helped me empathize with our team to ensure that we create a continuous culture of development and excellence!
What’s your biggest challenge in hiring SDR’s?
Sourcing is usually a challenge: we have very different needs across each of our teams.
For example, our hiring profile in a geography where the market is earlier stage requires someone a bit more entrepreneurial and with higher business acumen. In a place like the U.S., given the strength of our process, we are able to rapidly develop high performers and prefer folks who are able to quickly learn and adapt to a process!
What are potential career paths for SDR’s?
I think of career development as a matrix rather than a ladder and often encourage SDRs to understand where this experience sits in context of their overall career goals. Sometimes it’s moving to a closing role. Sometimes it’s taking a lateral position into another department. It really becomes more centered on the individual: what do you want to do?
How will Sales Development be different in 2020?
There will be more VPs of Sales Development.
How do you stay current?
I’m often in conversation with other sales development leaders, particularly those in a similar profile of business and encountering similar challenges. I also listen to podcasts including David’s! http://tenbound.com/podcast/
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