NOTE: Download the latest Market Map here.
First released in 2018, the Tenbound Sales Development Market Map is now in it’s fifth release, and continues to expand.
This version is accompanied by The Tenbound Sales Development Directory, a handy tool for tracking all the companies on the Market Map. Can’t find your company? Add it here.
Meant as an overview of all the tools and services available to Sales Development Leaders and Reps, the Market Map can now be augmented with a full .csv of all the companies listed on the map available in the Tenbound Research Center.
New quadrant alert: Communities
We’ve noticed a phenomenon growing in the Sales Development world; new and established communities to support Sales Development Leaders and Reps. These communities help provide content, learning and events for Sales Dev pros to gather and grow.
Since the old saying goes “your network equals your net-worth” this explosion of new communities makes sense. You can sit behind your computer all day clicking things but in order to grow your skills and expand your career you eventually have to get up out the door and meet some real people face-to-face.
Some of the communities on this version of the Map include Modern Sales Pros, Sales Hacker, Revenue Collective, AA-ISP, Women in Sales Development and many others. We see this trend growing as people want to connect with peers, build their network and learn from the best.
Side note: the Tenbound Alumni Community continues to grow as well! Want to join? Attend a training in your area.
Continued Growth in Outsourced Quadrant
The core tools and services of Sales Development – such as data, sales engagement and CRM, continue to grow at a steady clip, but what’s truly remarkable about this version is the explosion of Outsourced Services. It now eclipses other map quadrants.
The demand for Outsourced SDR programs must be incredible to be able to support this number of companies. The Outsourced Services quadrant has grown so big it may be broken out in the next version in its own map.
If you want to outsource your full program or even a small part of it, the choices are there. Need help? Tenbound recently completed an industry survey on important factors buyers use to select an outsourced firm. Thinking about going in this direction? Download a free exec summary or the full report here: http://tenbound.com/industry-research/
Also, resource some great blogs about this selection process were also posted here by our friends at SalesSource and The Sales Developers
Data + Data Enrichment Mega-Quadrant
In past versions we have Data and Data Enrichment in two quadrants. Data was companies supplying the basic building blocks of names, emails and phone numbers; while Data Enrichment was everything else about the person such as Intent, Triggers, Company intel, etc. In this version we combined it all into one quadrant as most simple “Data” providers include enrichment in their offerings.
Want to meet with many of the companies on the Market Map? Be sure to grab your Early Bird Ticket to the 2020 Tenbound Sales Development Conference NYC and San Francisco.
All the major players in Sales Development are represented at Tenbound Conferences.
What did we miss? What would make the Map and Directory more useful?
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