The skills you’ll learn in Sales Development are transferable not just to Sales, but also to Sales Enablement, Marketing, Product Development, PR and even Entrepreneurship. 

Knowing how to self-regulate, organize your day, talk to strangers, handle rejection, all are priceless skills you can use throughout your career. 

Our guest this week Evan Carlton has used his skills to raise through the ranks of his employers, and is now using it to map out the next steps in his career. Listen in as he outlines his strategy and what you can learn from this experience.

Critical information for this crazy time.

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Notable Quotes:  

            “The reality is that 99% of the market. And there are 36 million companies.
                        United States, millions of millions of companies just will not in the next
                        five, 10 years have access to data science capabilities, and someone’s going
                        to have to bring that to them.”

                                                            – Greg Tapper      

Brief Summary

            As time goes on, more and more solutions are coming up to make sales easier for us. Some of these solutions are not so new—they’re just applied in a new way that can completely revolutionize the processes we currently have. Two of those solutions are data science and AI.

Today’s Guest: Greg Tapper

                         Greg Tapper worked in the tech and sales arena for a while until he set up his own company, which he sold to Sajan, Inc. He became McKinsey’s senior go-to-market expert for a couple of years before he started another company this year, Pattern AI.

The episode touches on the following key topics and ideas: 

  • David welcomes the episode’s guest, Greg Tapper (00:40)
  • Greg Tapper, go-to-market consulting, and Pattern AI (01:15)
    • Machine learning and data science (03:21)
  • Applying go-to-market strategies to approach data science as a service (04:44)
    • Data science engines or machine-learning engines (07:12)
    • Determining ICP through machine learning (08:40)
    • Propensity models (08:54)
  • The traditional way of solving your ICP and how AI can change it (09:21)
    • Use machine learning to filter through as many variables as you want (12:35)
  • Automatically update your ICP’s in a sophisticated manner (14:09)
    • Do a proper segmentation analysis (16:33)
    • Put it in a box and make it easy for people to do (19:18)
  • So, who owns the creation of the ICP’s? (20:00)
    • Who do you sell to, what do they care about, and how do you sell to them? (21:44)
    • The real promise of SaaS (22:54)
    • You pay for insights and machine learning capabilities (24:36)
    • AI won’t replace jobs, it just gives you a spectrum of possibilities (26:27)
  • Prioritizing go-to-markets with AI technology (27:27)
  • Changing the minds of traditional-minded sales professionals to be open to new concepts and possibilities (32:13)
  • Bringing sophisticated within the reach of smaller companies (36:30)
  • The sky’s the limit, the technology is limited by creativity (39:48)
  • David closes the episode and where to get in touch with Greg Tapper and Pattern AI (42:33)
  • AI will reach everywhere, embrace technology (44:44)

List of Resources Mentioned in the Episode 

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